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AuthenticAlly Wendy OC

This community is for women with generational addiction, who have an adult son/daughter struggling with substance abuse.


You Belong

What does Authentically Wendy OC represent? The one you long to be. Authentically Wendy OC  was created to honour my son Ryan but it’s not only his life I honour it’s the life of each addicted child, that his life represents. I shine a light on the need to be authentic, for those who suffer in silence and to those who have given their life so they may be heard.



We are the mothers that heed that call to ensure change will surely come. Authentically, Wendy OC has risen from the ashes of a broken mother, one whose heart was cracked open the day you left. She will surely never forget the error of her ways and the sacrifice you made. May the heart of this mother be the ultimate sacrifice given for the love of her child, one of change. Is it time, time to see that you matter. Welcome to the pack my friend, I’ll leave the light on! 

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